

Saturday, June 6, 2015

21 Day Fix After Baby - My Initial Progress and Results!

Hey ladies!!!

I promised I would keep you posted after I started The 21 Day Fix after baby was born, so I really wanted to make sure to share these with you!

This will be a short post, as my three year old is currently jumping up and down on my baby's empty bouncer, and I'm typing with one hand while baby is sleeping in the other arm. If you're a Mama, you know exactly what I'm talking about! ;)

Today is Day 9 of The 21 Day Fix for me, and I am loving how much stronger I'm feeling! I took progress pictures and measurements yesterday and was STUNNED to see the difference so far!

If you've been following my blog for any amount of time, you know how I used The 21 Day Fix to help control weight gain during pregnancy and to also transform my booty last year pre-pregnancy. So I knew it would help me with my goals after baby was born!

These are my one week progress pictures so far with the Fix:

So far, I've lost 6.5 inches and 3 pounds - yes, only three! This is why it's so important to take those before pictures when tracking your progress -> the scale is not always a good reflection of what's going on with your body! I feel stronger, I feel leaner, and most importantly, I feel more like ME now!

So there it is so far! I will continue to post my progress once a week, and once the full 21 days are complete, I will post my final results - make sure you subscribe to see them, and feel free to like my Liberty Fitness page on facebook, or even add me as a friend on there too, especially if you are thinking about starting this program post-baby and would like to ask questions and receive support!

Talk soon, Mama!!

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