

Saturday, July 25, 2015

My (5 Day) Cize Results So Far and a Quick Review!

Hey there!

So I started the new Cize program last Tuesday after getting back from our HUGE trip to Tennessee - let's just say I needed that extra rest day in between, which never happens! ;)

I was so excited to get started though, I didn't want to wait any longer - I have a lot of customers and friends who want to see how this program works before ordering, and also wanted to know what my thoughts were on how the impact was, the workouts, the meal plan, etc. So I didn't want to waste any time!

Plus, my first ever Cize Test Group is starting on August 3rd, and the deadline to order to receive it in time is this weekend (we REALLY want everyone to have their programs in hand to start on day 1 with us).

Before Cize was available to purchase, I was able to try it out on Beachbody's On Demand site - I should also throw in a disclaimer here and say I am NOT a dancer - ummm ok, I actually am TERRIBLE at dancing. ;) But it was pretty fun!

Did I also mention I have a two month old? Yup, babywearing + dancing = not recommended if you already struggle with coordination! ;)

So anyways - last week, I picked up my copy of Cize and have been keeping everyone updated on how it's going. Here's a quick review of my thoughts so far, along with my actual results after 5 days!


For someone who really doesn't enjoy dancing, I LOVE it! There are two separate schedule options: A beginner's schedule and an advanced schedule. I actually caught on quick (yup, very proud of myself!) and have been following the advanced version. So this week, I have been alternating between "Crazy 8's" and "You Got This".

Admittedly, I'm not a huge fan of "You Got This" - but I LOVE Crazy 8's!

Crazy 8's Sneak Peek
Crazy 8's is SO fun - the workout is shorter (30 minutes), and it really truly doesn't feel like you're working out (until you go to work out the next day, youch!). It's not a high impact workout (yet - again, I've only done two workouts, if this changes, I'll be writing about it in a future post), other than a few "crossovers", where you do a mini jack by jumping your feet out and in. But for these, I sometimes just stepped one foot in at a time and it worked fine. :)

I also LOVE the 8 Count Abs workout - it's 8 minutes of ab work and the last part of it is to REALLY great music - so it's almost like dancing and working your abs - on the floor! I've never really liked ab workouts (oh, who am I kidding, I'm a BABY when it comes to working out my abs), but I really like this! I've done it twice so far.


The meal plan uses the portion control containers as The 21 Day Fix - they are the same size! I just love how easy they are to use! If you haven't done The 21 Day Fix, an easy way to describe the food is that each container represents a different category of food. For example, purple is for your fruit, so you would refer to a page in the nutrition guide to see which fruit is approved for the program, and then either go by the amount referenced on that page, or fill your container with fruit. It's really simple and quick! With that said, the meal plan for Cize is SO easy- I love their "meal builder", which gives options for meals to build throughout the day - the containers aren't required (they do give amounts to eat in the plan), but they can be used if you like them and already have them! :)

The Shakeology doesn't focus on weight loss (although that's a great side bonus) - it's replacing a lot of meals during your month, so it's like buying 30 meals in bulk. The important thing that I realized a few months into this is that it isn't new money in our budget, it's money moved around. So I replaced my daily Dunkin Donuts iced coffee that cost me about $4/day for something that would help me reduce inflammation in my body (I'm very prone to it - ouch!), gives me energy (with two kids under four, I need it!) and my daily vitamins (seriously, who likes taking vitamin pills?!), and helps keep the cravings at bay. It also helps me feel tighter all over! I do drink Shakeology every day which I know has also played into my results.


Without a doubt, the biggest piece of your success is the accountability. You can buy the program and it can sit on your shelf, but that does nothing. The challenge group is INVALUABLE to our success - we depend on each other to get through each month, we post recipes, and tips, and calls to action to keep everyone interactive. And we encourage and lift each other up on bad days. Without a doubt, I wouldn't be where I am today without my challenge groups getting me through my early days as a binge eater, then a very rough pregnancy, and now post-pregnancy as I'm working to lose the baby weight and get in great shape again!


So the workouts are awesome and SO fun (again, I don't love the "You Got This" workout, but I only have it one more time this week so yay!), the meal plan is easy and doable, even for this busy Mama, Shakeology = a craving killer and energy enhancer, and my challenge group = invaluable.

So now on to my favorite part - the results ;)

Admittedly, I just started this week - but today I woke up already feeling a difference in my body, and was wondering if it really was already changing.

Check these out! 
Yes, my face really was that bad for these ;)

Admit it: My hair is awesome here.

I'd like to invite you to join my next challenge group with other ladies and I as we commit to have fun, lose weight, get healthier and redefine our bodies! Just fill out this form and I'll get back to you as soon as possible with details, to discuss your goals, and to talk about cost options and which will best help you towards those goals. 

Or if you're just READY to start your Cize journey, you can purchase Cize with Shakeology at a discounted rate here, or the Cize program alone here. If you haven't purchased anything from Beachbody in the past, this will also automatically assign me to be your free Coach and you'll be hearing from me very soon! :)

Thanks for stopping by and be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a thing! <3


  1. Do you have to include shakeology?

    1. Hi there! I did, to maximize my results, but I'm sure there are others out there who haven't!

  2. Hi! I wanted to say great job and was wondering what your results now are or if you went through the whole schedule?

    1. Hi there! I actually did not go through the whole schedule - around this time last year, I was experiencing some pretty bad health problems and it compounded over time (toxic mold exposure - yikes!). I'd definitely like to retry this at some point in the future though! I am working on healing and doing some pretty easy workouts right now! I definitely recommend it for anyone who loves dancing though! :)

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