Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Can You Do the 21 Day Fix While Pregnant? With My Two week Progress Photos!

25.5 weeks!
Today, we are 25.5 weeks along!

Two weeks ago, I committed to doing the 21 Day Fix - modified according to what's safe for pregnancy, of course. I have had so much fun!

This post is really to encourage any pregnant ladies out there who are working out or want to work out and be as healthy as possible during their pregnancy. I really haven't lost any inches, although I have seen the scale go down some (I had gained weight pretty rapidly last month, so this isn't unwelcome).

If you're NOT pregnant and interested in what the 21 Day Fix can do, I'd encourage you to check out what the 21 Day Fix did for me last year, and also to check out some of my reviews and videos on it as well.

Ok, back to the Fix and being pregnant! When I was pregnant with my son, I was terrified of losing him. We had already experienced three pregnancy losses and I thought that by working out, I would be putting him in danger. So I simply walked. Sometimes I did some light pregnancy yoga, but that was as extensive as I got. I was miserable throughout the whole pregnancy, ate pretty much what I wanted, and definitely showed it after he was born!

With this pregnancy, I am still nervous about the baby, but I have learned that in order to take care of our baby girl and give her the best possible start in life, I need to take care of me too - and I need to feel STRONG for my family!

Of course, I have to add in the disclaimer: my specialty is basically being a crazy busy mom/coach. I'm not a doctor, nor am I giving medical advice - talk with your Doctor before beginning the 21 day fix, or any other exercise or nutritional program, ever! 


I've been striving throughout this pregnancy to stay as active as possible, and to eat 90% clean. I am almost 7 months with no sugar even!

Now you don't have to give up sugar completely, but getting back to the 21 Day Fix, the principles are great to follow! The eating plan is fantastic, and although we as pregnant women are supposed to eat slightly more, you can easily add in those extra calories and eat according to the plan! There is a great variety of food available to choose from - and if you are a busy mom trying to cook for everyone, pregnant, and tired, and wondering how to make the Fix work for you, here's a quick tip from me with how I do it!

My Doctor has also cleared me to keep drinking Shakeology (YAY!!) in place of a prenatal vitamin, as long as I add in extra iron to my diet. This really takes away any guesswork when it comes to wondering if my little girl is getting enough nutrients, and I rest easy at night knowing I'm doing the best I can to take good care of her and myself! I would encourage you to speak with your Doctor as well - I brought in the nutrition facts/vitamins on chocolate vegan shakeology, and he was impressed!

The only other thing to keep in mind is to watch your Vitamin A intake - specifically retinol. I drink chocolate vegan, which has beta-carotine as the source for Vitamin A - my research has me comfortable drinking this daily, as this is shown to be a safer form of Vitamin A. Again - talk with your own doctor, and do your own research on this! :)


The workouts are easily modified if you're pregnant. The key is knowing what your Doctor has recommended for you!

There ARE some exercises that my Doctor has recommended I NOT do (I would also encourage you to speak with your Doctor). I can't lie flat on my back, since I'm further along, and I have to be careful with some of the twisting and ab exercises. So when these come on during Pilates Fix, or Upper Fix, especially, I follow Autumn's pregnancy ab exercises - the key is to just NOT stop during the workout! :) I also take it easy during cardio workouts, as my body specifically does not do well with cardio during this pregnancy. The key is to listen to your own body!


So far, I've lost about 6 lbs - and know that I'm NOT looking to lose weight, I'm looking to CONTROL my weight gain. As far as inches, I've actually GAINED two inches in two weeks. But I really feel like I'm doing it at a safe and healthy rate!

And you know what? I'm still sending in my final results to beachbody to be entered to win! I wonder if a pregnant woman's ever won before? ;)

One more week until I'm done with this round! I hope this helped you some, Mama! If you're ready to take the plunge and would like to start the 21 day fix, during or after pregnancy (and have your Doctor's approval), you can click here to purchase and also have me assigned as your Coach/accountability partner! :)

If you're looking for health & fitness support or encouragement, join myself and other expectant or new mamas in our private group here! <3 Have a safe and healthy pregnancy!


  1. This is the first I'm hearing of the 21 day fix, so I'm curious on if it just helps people lose weight or if it's to regulate your eating and exercise habits! I'm 35 weeks pregnant right now and struggling with gestational diabetes as well as a slight iron deficiency. Would being on something like the 21 day fix help someone like me that really has to watch what they eat? I admit to being kind of lazy during the pregnancy and I really haven't gotten a lot of exercise, which I would like to change! http://fitpharmacist.com/how-does-the-21-day-fix-work

    1. Hi Ebony! I used it to help control weight gain during my pregnancy, because I got my Doctor's approval - but I was doing the workouts before I was pregnant, and also earlier in my pregnancy. I would definitely encourage you to speak with your own Doctor about your options when it comes to nutrition and exercise, especially when this far along and with GD and the iron deficiency!

      Congrats on your pregnancy! You are so close now! :)

  2. Hi I recently spoke with my doctor and have ordered the 21 day fix. I have been active my whole pregnancy and he found nothing wrong with exercise in moderation. This week I'm gonna talk with him about the shakes. I'm interested in being the healthiest fit mother I can be and would love to have a coach who has been there before. I'm not trying to loose weight and see nothing wrong with gaining weight just want to eat the best foods I can in the right way. I was finding myself starting to eat really unhealthy and that's just not me. Hope to hear from you

    1. Hi Natalia!! Congratulations on your pregnancy!!! Yes, I would love to partner with you and help you through this time, especially since your Doctor has approved! Just add me as a friend on facebook at www.facebook.com/mrscopper and let's chat! :)

      Congratulations, again!!

  3. Hello Amanda! Thank you for sharing your experiences! How did you modify your calorie bracket to take into account your pregnancy? Just not subtract the 750 from the formula? Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Emily! I would definitely encourage you to ask your Doctor about caloric intake and working out during pregnancy too! :) I spoke with my own Doctor and ended up adding an extra 200 - 300 calories per day to the plan. I also listened to my body and added in extra calories on days where I felt I needed them. I hope that helps! :)

  4. Hello! i just found out im pregnant so 4 weeks right before i found out i was going to start the 21 day fix program. What would you recommend for the diet modifications and working out. I still am slightly over weight for my height and want to be as healthy as possible. This is my 3rd and so my dr wont see me until november

    1. Hi Kristen, and congratulations!!! I would first of all definitely call your Doctor's office and ask to speak with them about whether you have any restrictions while pregnant with exercise and/or nutrition. Your health is first and foremost! After speaking with my Doctor, I added an extra 200 - 300 calories per day to the meal plan and did the best I could with the workout schedule provided with the program! I hope this helps! Congratulations again!

  5. Hello, is it okay to do the abdominal work during the first trimester?

    1. Hi there! I did not do any of the ab exercises (especially ones that involved lying flat in the floor) from The 21 Day Fix while pregnant. I would definitely recommend that you speak with your Doctor about restrictions! My Dr approved certain ab exercises I could do while standing, but everyone's different, it's very important you clear any excersises through them!

  6. Woo hoo! I've been looking for someone who did the fix and lost weight while pregnant! I've gained 10 pounds already and I'm only 15 weeks. Most of it was because I was sick and could only tolerate white carbs :( so I need to get back on track. I was doing 21 day fix extreme before getting pregnant so I want to do it again but was hesitant. Plus I want to get off this bad weight that I put on so quickly. Thanks for your post!

    1. Hi Jill!! Congratulations on your pregnancy!! It can be so hard to control weight gain for sure, and I totally understand being sick while pregnant, that was no fun! Have you started Fix extreme yet?

  7. Hello! Did you exercise or do the 21 day fix program prior to your pregnancy or did you just start it at 25 weeks?

    1. Hi Rita! I did do Fix workouts throughout my entire pregnancy, it's definitely not something I'd recommend starting in the middle of pregnancy without being pretty active beforehand! You should always talk to your Doctor of course!

  8. I was wondering how you calculated your calories for the containers while pregnant? Did you take the calculations like they recommend and just not subtract the 750 for working out or did you and then add 200-300?

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