

Sunday, August 24, 2014

My PiYo Results and An Honest Review!

There's one thing I was most excited about with PiYo..

Chalene Johnson.

Seriously, is there any better trainer?

My first program was TurboFire. And it changed my life - my body, yes, but more than that. It changed my mindset and my attitude!

Chalene knows exactly what to say to get you to push yourself a little harder, outside of your comfort zone, and past your own self-doubt and self-imposed limitations.

And then there's the fact that I was able to do PiYo with Chalene at Summit... 

ummmmmm yes, please!! Plus, working out barefoot? Oh yeah!

So! Let's get right into this!

Equipment needed:
  • A yoga mat
  • Towel
  • Water
  • Chair (if modifying)

That's it. For all of the workouts.

Well, some of the workouts, she'd like you in sneakers, so I supposed I could add that to the list. But it really, truly is using your body to sculpt your body!

Workouts lengths:

The workouts start out around 18 - 22 minutes, then work their way up to 48 minutes for the longest (PiYo Drench) workout in the second month.


This is a tricky one.

See, when you first start, the first few weeks, you might be wondering if you're burning any calories at all. The first few workouts have you learning the moves, getting your body used to the stretch and strength components of the program. The workouts are a little shorter, and then they start to build with intensity as you progress.

Then the end of the second week hits, and they start to challenge you a little more, which continues for phase 1, or the first month of the program.

Here are my results from the first 30 days of doing PiYo:

PiYo Results

Not too bad, right? Especially considering I wasn't really as strict with the meal plan as I should have been (darn that emotional eating)!

So, moving on..

Week 5 hits and you are then introduced to PiYo Drench

Let me just say: I did the PiYo Drench workout live with hundreds of other Coaches at Summit, and it was an incredible experience. However, this workout will kick your butt, regardless of what level of fitness you're at!

But here's a really great part of PiYo: there is an AMAZING modifier. Her name is Michelle. She stands to the right of Chalene, and she stands sideways so you can have a clear idea of how to do each of the moves!

The last month was intense but it was definitely FUN! I've never been so flexible, or felt as strong as I have during this program! You build up more strength than you ever thought possible (all without weights!), your energy goes through the roof, and you really feel alive and GOOD about yourself and your body. It's amazing!

What are the results like:

Well, hubby lost 12 lbs and 3.5 inches in 60 days!

When it came time for me to weigh in, I hadn't really lost much "weight" but keep in mind, I had lost INCHES, and built serious muscle, not to mention I feel stronger, and all stretched out - check out my results!

My final results:



So, although I'm a month late for my period (not pregnant!), extremely bloated from that, and have some female problems I am dealing with right now, I am THRILLED at my results. Not only have I lost inches around my waist and legs, I have also built impressive strength, my stamina has gone way up, and even my plantar fasciitis has improved greatly!! I feel like this program has lengthened me out, built up strength in places I didn't know I needed it, and helped me avoid a trip to the Doctor too (foot pain is rough)!

A word of caution

If you have knee pain especially, I have some friends who suffered with it, and couldn't do some of the moves. So if you decide to go with this (and really have any sort of injury you are dealing with), PLEASE talk with your Doctor first and get their approval!

So who do I recommend it for?

  • Anyone who needs to stretch and take care of their bodies but gets BORED doing yoga or pilates.
  • Anyone with any past injury who has been cleared by a doctor to do low-impact. This is almost all low-impact - the high impact moves ALWAYS have Michelle doing the low-impact option for you to follow.
  • Anyone looking to lengthen and strengthen!
Ready to get on board with PiYo and be a part of my next challenge group? Message me at and we'll see if this would be a good fit for you!

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