

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Gratitude... How God has Already Used Beachbody to Change my Life

So overwhelmed with gratitude today. Please bear with me as I try to explain..

My goal as of May of this year was to be able to pay our mortgage every month - with JUST my income from Beachbody.

Our little family has struggled. We know what it feels like to go paycheck to paycheck. It has been the root of many debates in this house, many headaches and late nights praying, we know what it feels like to go without and be frustrated.

As many of you know, it was NOT easy for me to leave my other job in May, which I also loved. It was a huge leap (hahaha more like a flailing-screaming-belly-flop) of faith for us to leave that secure job and jump into this business full-time.

Fast forward ONE MONTH LATER: in June, God provided not only our entire mortgage payment through my income, he also provided enough to pay for over HALF of my little boy's specialty groceries!

God hasn't just used Beachbody to save my health, He has used it to give me the opportunity to see who He

truly made me to be. I LOVE that I now have the freedom to help others do the same! It is truly the most humbling experience.

Maybe you want to help others get more fit, or actually get PAID to take care of your own health. Maybe you'd like extra money on the side for vacations or projects. Maybe you're looking to COMPLETELY replace your income and stay home with your children.

ANY and ALL of the above dreams are possible. By God's grace, I wasn't just able to meet my initial goals, I was able to contribute even more!

I am here to tell you - I have doubted. I have argued with God (I know, I know). I have held tight on to what I knew, afraid to step out of my comfort zone. And I wasted so much time.

If any of this speaks to you... if you are Driven, Motivated, Empathetic, Teachable, and Passionate...

If you want to have FUN, and meet new people;
If you want to be a part of something bigger than yourself;
If you want to help change LIVES;
Enjoy the freedom of being a real LEADER
Be your own boss while still having mentors;
Have a passion for learning new things, this can change your LIFE.

You see these faces? These are the faces of passionate, strong, CARING people who want to change the lives of those around them. We are DEDICATED to helping others and truly making a difference.

Team Liberty stands for freedom. And that's why I'm posting this today. Because with this opportunity, anything is possible.

If what I posted above is speaking to you, reach out to me - our team is TAKING OFF and we don't want you to miss out like I initially did. Don't waste time huddled up in your comfort zone. Step out slowly or jump right in, - PM me, add me as a friend on facebook and message me about this.... then stand by for the ride of your life!

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