

Sunday, April 6, 2014

My P90X3 Results - Don't Always Judge Your Results by the Scale!

I hate the scale. Seriously hate it. It's a constant battle - I work out, I eat great, I look at the scale. I get mad, I binge. I feel guilty. 

Have you been there? Do yourself a favor: hide the scale. Don't pay any attention to it except for your weigh-in days. Then when the time comes to check in, if you find that you haven't lost weight, you can just compare the pictures!

A little while ago, I posted progress pictures and results from my husband and I. My husband is currently on his Day 75 of P90X3, today is my Day 90. Although I am still a little bummed I haven't seen much of a difference on the scale, I have lost inches and I can see a definite difference in my back & shoulder muscle!

Here are some benefits to strength training besides just losing weight:

My good friend reminded me last week: most people gain weight during the winter - if you didn't gain weight, you are doing well. If you didn't gain weight AND you built muscle, you're doing even better!

So if you are working towards your goals, and frustrated that you're not losing weight, HIDE. THE. SCALE. Focus on building up your strength and your stamina and have fun! Enjoy your workout time and when the time comes to weigh-in and check your measurements, don't sweat it!

And as always, I am here for you with your fitness & health questions - and if I can help you reach your goals, please message me!

Next up: 21 Day Fix!! Stand by for my reviews as I start on this venture with a great group of ladies!!

- Amanda :)

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