

Sunday, February 16, 2014

P90X3 30/45 Day Progress & Review!

It's kind of a big deal in our house today, as today was hubby's Day 30, and my Day 45 of P90X3. We both committed to getting in our 30 minute workouts every day, and today we are CELEBRATING as NEITHER of us have missed a day!

SO we took progress photos and wanted to share them with you all, as well as our review of the program :)

Our thoughts on P90X3:

- Tony Horton is still somewhat annoying BUT SO much more bearable for 30 minutes than 1 - 1.5 hours! And I will freely admit he is much funnier in this one than in P90X.

- If you've never done any form of P90X, I will explain it this way: think strength training with cardio and stretching thrown in on different days. The program's emphasis is on building muscle, which in turn burns more fat. This is why P90X has changed so many lives, and has helped people lose so much weight (some have lost 100, 150 and even 200 pounds with it!).

- The variety of the workouts is FANTASTIC. Every day there is something new, and every 4 weeks, you get a transition week, then a whole new set of workouts (other than X Yoga). So if you get sick of one of Tony's lines, guess what? Chances are you won't have to hear it many more times :)

- When it comes to strength training days, pick a weight that will do the job, but like Tony says, do NOT let your ego get in the way! Go lighter if you need to, but make sure you can feel it.

- The Cold Start option really helps stretch you out for 12 minutes before some workouts, use your judgement on whether your body needs that extra stretching

- Your REAL success with this is with your diet. Yes, the workouts are great and work you, but if you overeating (or eating junk), or even not eating ENOUGH, you are NOT going to get the same results! So CHOOSE your food carefully and TRACK your calories and ratios! If you don't know how to do this, I recommend reading the nutrition book thoroughly and even buying the 21 Day Fix and factoring in your calories burned to learn portion sizes. I didn't see a huge drop in weight or inches until I started learning my correct portion sizes.

- You have 30 minutes to work out. You CANNOT allow ANY distractions during those 30 minutes. To get real results, you HAVE to give it your all. That's it - there are no other options - if you are distracted and don't try too hard, you will not see the same results. Show up, press play, give your absolute best but don't worry about perfection.

Here are our results! As always, please let us know if this review helped you and if we can help you with reaching your own health & fitness goals! :)

- Amanda :)

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