

Monday, January 20, 2014

Two Are Better than One...

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12: "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." <---this is the kicker!

Since I have started my journey as a Coach, my sweet husband has tried to understand; he has been there through the tears, struggles, and failures. He has celebrated my joy and success with me. Although he had his reservations at first, he allowed me to cautiously tiptoe around as a new Coach, then become bolder as I saw my customers and friends' lives change too. He has seen my frustration and he has seen my excitement. And although he still had his reservations, he still stood by me, even when I have been on the computer or my smart phone all day, answering messages or inquiries, helping calculate calories, and checking in on challenge group participants. Even when nobody else (including him) understood what I was trying to do - my dream of helping others find their own potential and reach their own dreams - he never once made a sarcastic or negative remark. Because he knows how much this means to me.

It's no secret we have been AGONIZING over where God wants us - hubby has some big plans for this year and we need to figure out how we are going to continue to make it financially. One option is to go back into my former career, full-time. Although it is a great job, it is also a very DEMANDING job - and it takes so much away from your family.

Hubby and I have agreed from the beginning that the Lord has big plans for us. Oh, it may not be getting rich, and especially not getting famous - but we know that He has a plan far greater than ours. Throughout these past few months, we have gone back and forth on two different options:

Option A: My former career as a full-timer, or

Option B: Becoming a full-time Beachbody Coach, and eventually a Personal Trainer.

Although my former career offers more in the way of financial support initially, it truly does take so much away from family - and with L's health needs, it would be so difficult, if not impossible to do.

This brings me to my conversation with hubby last week: something I had been putting off for a long time, because I was so scared to bring it up to him. This is because you truly have the power to cut your spouse down, or build them up! Hubby & I have been praying for the Lord's will in our lives since we have been married, but more these past few months than at any other time in our marriage. There is so much at stake now!

I brought up my idea with hubby and sat back and waited - I was scared, to tell you the truth. But he agreed enough is enough, this is clearly where God wants me to be, and it also allows me to stay home with my son. What's more, is being a Coach has POTENTIAL. Beachbody will pay for an all-inclusive trip to Cancun for he & I in 2015 (this would NEVER happen otherwise, we have never gone beyond New Hampshire together!). I get rewards and bonuses every month and a weekly paycheck. I get to help change lives and encourage people daily. What's more, I get to stay in shape, get in better shape, and just show others that the programs and Shakeology WORK.

Not only is hubby excited about this journey, he is joining me! We are a team now - something I've only ever dreamed of! He is strong in areas I am weak in (financial planning, research, etc), and vice versa. He is starting P90X3 tomorrow, which is no easy feat since he has a very physically demanding job. He truly is in this to support me, and to honor the Lord as we seek to serve Him together by helping others in their own health & fitness journeys.

God has given me such a peace since that conversation with my husband last week. I love that he supports me and I, him. The journey will not be as easy as Option A above, but I really believe the rewards will be far greater! Life truly does begin outside of your comfort zone!

- Amanda :)

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